Khalid Kamal Faruqi, M.A., M.Lib.Sc., M.Phil. (LIS), PGDLAN.

(Head Librarian)

Khalid Kamal Faruqi has an M.Phil. in library and information science. He also holds a double Master's Degree in Indian History and Culture and a Master of Library Science with distinction. He is a gold medallist in library science from Aligarh Muslim University. He also obtained "a graduate diploma in library automation and networking" from the Central University of Hyderabad.

After having four decades of working experience in the university libraries of Jamia Millia Islamia, a Central University, and Hamdard University located in Delhi, Mr. Faruqi has joined the Asia Pacific Institute of Management, Delhi, as Chief Librarian. He also worked as a senior consultant (library affairs) at Jawaharlal Nehru University before joining Al-Falah University as a university librarian.

He worked as a university librarian at Jamia Millia Islamia and Hamdard University, and at both universities, he managed to computerise libraries successfully. He was also instrumental in restoring more than seven hundred manuscripts through conservation and lamination, including binding.

Khalid k. Faruqi (Librarian)

He was also associated with the teaching of library and information science at Jamia Millia Islamia (1986–2011) and Indira Gandhi National Open University (since this course was introduced there). He worked as head of the Department of Library and Information Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, from November 1999/October 2000 to March 2002.

He has contributed to the literature of library science by publishing several books and articles. He is a lifelong member of many professional associations like ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS, and the Association of Indian Archivists.

He attended various national and international conferences and seminars and also organised a national conference on "Managing Libraries in a New Information Environment" at the Asia Pacific Institute of Management on January 7-8, 2011.